Excelerate Essex is the vision of local entrepreneur Emir Heco.

Emir is a 29 year old resident of Essex Junction. At NRG Systems for 7 years he designed wind energy assessment equipment. In 2014 he joined the engineering staff at Blodgett Ovens. Early in 2015, Emir became a full-time business owner of Heco Engineering (www.hecoengineering.com) where his skills as an inventor, maker, educator and builder of prototypes are on display.

At 12 years of age Emir arrived in the United States with his family who were escaping war in Bosnia. Seventeen years later, with a UVM engineering degree in hand and a young family, Emir is attempting to give back to the community that supported his family. Moreover, he believes his son needs to grow up in a community where the economy is based on citizens who have ideas and make real things.

In line with his commitment to help tap the business start-up energy latent, yet growing, in Essex, Emir volunteers at EHS’s STEM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and Career Education Program. He also seeks to integrate a career education initiative within the larger manufacturing goals of his company, Heco Engineering.